Monday, February 22, 2010

Spring Storm!

Yesterday felt just like an early spring day, the first of the year. A bright blue-sky day, you could feel the heat in the sun, and it was melting the snow in places. One of those late Feb/early March days that make you feel like spring is just around the corner.

On top of that I heard the cardinals calling this morning for the first time, giving their sharp two-tone whistle that is such a distinctive opening note for the spring season. Their bright red colour matches their bright clear whistle, and we'll hear it now from high trees in the woods, for the next several months.

But then .... the snow came back - in fact, it's about the biggest snowstorm we've had all winter, and we're right in the middle of it at the moment. Flurries coming down fast and furious, turning the world white again. Maybe I'll get some good pictures tomorrow.

......... Later, headed out at the peak of the storm to walk the dog. Three or four inches by now, all plastered against the tree trunks and branches, and hanging heavily on the pine, cedar and hemlock. It'll be a winter wonderland tomorrow. These storms are blown through southern Ontario by upper level winds from west to east (southwest to northeast for this one), but at ground level they are circulating in a counter-clockwise direction. This means you may have winds from the east while the storm is coming from the west. Thus the east side of most trees today are plastered with a line of snow from top to bottom.

Four groups of deer wandering, instead of hiding in the swamp; at least 10 or 12, but I may have seen one group twice. And then I heard what distinctly sounded like two SHOTS! Just behind the Edinburgh/Kortright corner. Not what you want to hear in the city.

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